Thursday, November 15, 2007

First Post...its always the hardest..and the quickest first post. I know I'm supposed to say something profound because well....this is my FIRST post. The inaugural meeting of your eyes and my thoughts. Hell ....wait, can I say hell?...its your blog Brian of course you can..but I've managed to digress. Where was I? Ah yes, Hell, this is the first time you and I are together and lets face it everybody remembers their first time.

So maybe I shouldn't compare a blog to sex, but then again, maybe its exactly like sex. Look at me sitting in front of this computer screen nervously trying to impress you. Leaning in in some vain attempt to read your signals, praying that with every attempt at being "effortlessly funny" or "naturally confident" that I keep your interest. Maybe I haven't fumbled around nearly as much as my first sexual encounter, but my palms are just as clammy. Ok, Brian, you can do this. They don't have to know this is your first time. All you have to do is fake it for a few minutes or...erm...hours...or...oh Christ, how long is this supposed to last? Where do I put my punctuation? I hear there are a lot of red ink scares going around these days...I hope my thoughts are gonna be protected enough surrounded by these "quotation marks". (which, by the way I'm not even sure if I'm using right). Inevitably, just like the first sex on the uncomfortably cold hardwood floor of my first girlfriends bedroom, the first blog probably lacks the fluid motion and lucid technique that comes from years of trial and error. But, it has its saving graces. Though, and maybe even a bit awkward, it ends with the promise of improvement. Next time, I wont come to the screen with anxiety because your minds and this blog will be places that I have charted before. Of course I will tell my friends that you loved my blog and couldn't wait to read it again. And you will tell your friends that my blog was "sweet" and you might glance at it once or twice more. And in the end we will both leave with some sort of intrigue for one another knowing that wasnt so bad the first time around and can only get better!
Mr. Wise Guy


Unknown said...

lol oh brian thats hilarious you're funny!

Anonymous said...

Good shit Mr. Wise Guy

Tia said...

that's really funny! thanks for reading my blog!